Yay.. !!! Oh man... oh gosshh...
Totally and Finally and Lastly...
The exam was over leh.. i should be have bit of excited feeling de.. but how come i was so calm... just like nothing happen as usual ny de.. i thought i'll be kinda happy.. but...
however it was over... everything was done.. now i started to missed the feeling of exam leh..
Miss the feeling of being one of a candicate...
Miss the feeling that when everyone sitting there just waiting to start the paper...
Miss the pengawas(teacher) standing around us...
"Calon diberi 2jam untuk menjawab kertas ini.. Sila pastikan kertas anda adalah kertas xxx, kodnya ialah xxx..Calon tidak dibenarkan keluar pada 30min selepas mula dan 10 min sebelum akhir.. " i love this... weee~
This will be the 1st time & will be the last time of taking SPM this exam in my life... i surely will miss ya alot de... Lolz... XD